STUPEFYING SPINNER: Keep the tots transfixed with this 8” light-up spinning wand! With a simple slide of a switch, this toy wand creates a mesmerizing display of swirling LEDs and an eye-catching spectacle of color. Looking for a simple yet fun toy that will keep them enthralled? This space wand will do the trick.
READY TO GO: No need to start hunting around the house for batteries. 3 x AA batteries come already installed in the LED spinning wand toy to get the fun started right away. Dim the lights, ignite the spinning LEDs, and watch that little one’s face light up in awe.
FUN LED PARTY FAVOR: Make that bash one to remember with this super cool space spin wand. It's great for both boys and girls, fits into just about any theme, and is a recipe for stunning pics. Holiday or birthday party, this light up wand for kids makes the occasion extra special.
MADE TO LAST: At ArtCreativity, we take great pride in creating toys that last. That’s why we’ve designed this wand for kids using high-quality plastic and long-lasting LEDs. So, even with all the enthusiastic fun and immersive pretend play, this wand will hold up to the action.
GREAT GIFT IDEA: Whether you need a gift to give your child for the holidays, a birthday, or as a reward, this children’s light-up wand makes a total treat. It’s also a guaranteed hit when gifted as a carnival or contest prize and can be easily operated by kids as young as 3.
Toys that are more than joys
Created to kindle curiosity and discovery
Improved and perfected for all-day play
Designed for to withstand little adventures and big messes